To that end, make sure to search through the long grass, even in caves which sometimes feature dry brown grass. This particularly affects players of the original game who are used to hoovering up every Gem in sight without needing to search for them. In addition to the above tip, the most common way of missing Gems in Reignited is not even seeing them due to the long grass. If you're still stumped, we have an Easy to Miss Gems section to help you locate the more devious Gems. Press down the left analog stick to use it. In all three remakes, Sparx has the ability to point directly to the nearest Gem in the level, which helps narrow down Gem hunts. Go behind buildings, investigate any corners in case they go further back than you think, and look down every gap, just in case.

Gems are hidden all over the place wherever Spyro goes, and since the levels can get quite expansive, you're not going to find them all by replaying the level and simply taking the exact same path you took the first time.